interactive Storytelling is a long-term endeavour to implement systems that will create dynamic narratives with which the user can interact. For instance, imagine that you are watching a 3D version of a classical play and that, by interfering with the action, you eventually alter its ending (possibly towards a happier one).
Several approaches to Interactive Storytelling have been described. Our interest is in stories that have a well-defined storyline, from which many variants can unfold based on characters' interaction of user intervention.
While many researchers agree on the use of planning formalisms to support characters' behaviour, there is little research in the representation of narrative knowledge itself, apart from the recurring reference to narrative functions (but in this respect, Tomachevski is far more interesting than Propp, in his relation to story contents). Our representations are inspired from structural narrative analysis, mostly work from Roland Barthes.
below are some sketches I made, i was given three words which were Bautiful, Bites and Drawing and I had to create my own process using those three words,We were asked to produce a non linear narrative.