Recently i had visitied the Whitechapel Gallery where their was a workshop held explaing Arduino in depth and letting us create our own Arduino mockup, below i have included pictures from the gallery including my step t0 step creation of my own arduino:
This website I stumbled upon is very useful for those who want to know a bit about arduino, basic introduction and how to get started etc.
I started off with creating my own design as you can see in this picture,you could create any pattern, i decided to create a circle because it reminded me of music decks.I had to go over my design so that each lines connect.
This is a overview of the basic circuits within the workshop.
Here you can see dough connected to wires which are connected to the "arduino box circuit, helping to create sound.
once finishing the design it was clipped with a wire connected to the arduino box where i could roll over my circle and it would start making sounds which was quite amazing.
This is an inside of the circuit box which you can see the wires connected to the arduino prototype software.
This is a close up of the conductive dough, from looking at the top of the page you will see an image of with the title "conductive dough" this explains how the dough was made. i received the above sheets from the workshop.
This is me sitting at the head of the table pressing on the red dough which produces sound.
I am so glad that i visited the Arduino workshop in whitechapel gallery, it made me understand much clearly, in depth how Arduino works and the process it involves.